za one koji imaju kako tako dobar želudac stavljam ovdje link na jednu seriju koja prilično dobro dokumentira stradanje običnog stanovništva od strane fašista
gotovo kao da prikazuje selo Lipa
pakao počinje negdje oko 26te minute(serija ima dva dijela pa ko ima vremena neka pogleda)
Iako piše serija (barem mi moje znanje ćirilice tako govori) - Иди и смотри. Серия 2, niej serija nego film - Idi i smotri , ili Idi i gledaj : je uzet iz Biblije, šestog poglavlja Otkrivenja; u hrvatskoj verziji isti izraz je preveden jednostavno kao dođi! [1] [2]
Film je dobio uglavnom pozitivne ocjene kritičara, a posebno je hvaljena gluma mladog Alekseja Kravčenka. Među zapažene filmske scene spada i opsežni prikaz razaranja sela i masakriranja stanovništva. Kada je snimanje počelo, Kravčenko je imao samo 14 godina i redatelj je razmatrao mogućnost korištenja hipnoze za snimanje najgorih scena kako bi izbjegao mogući štetan utjecaj na dječakovu psihu[3].
A scena uništenja sela : German Einsatzkommando unit moves into the village, first surrounding the village. While Flyora is introduced to much of the farmer's family, a German officer comes inside of the house and the civilians give him food and water to eat. A collaborator also comes in the house and begins checking for anything valuable to take. Flyora starts walking outside of the house, but before he can step completely out, he is pushed down by a German soldier, much to the amusement of the other soldiers. The whole village is being herded by the German soldiers and Flyora attempts to warn everyone of their oncoming death, but is caught by a another collaborator with a swastika drawn helmet and forced to run around in circles with the other men of the village. At first, the women and children are made to show their papers to the Germans, but then everyone is forced into the Village Church.
An Obersturmführer (played by Juri Lumiste) announces to the terrified people, "those without children can leave." Everyone inside the church calls the Germans, "Beasts." Flyora takes up the offer and climbs out of the church, only to be handled by a German sergeant and shown to the Sturmbannführer, the commanding officer of the German unit. He is then thrown down and Flyora watches as a woman and her child get climb out of the church. She is grabbed by German soldiers and her child is thrown back into the church, the woman being dragged by her hair by a Collaborator and then is made to stay too. Around the whole village, drunk Germans and Collaborators laugh and listen to music, many finding ways to entertain themselves. Grenades are then hurled into the church as a truck playing music parks near the other German vehicles. Molotov cocktails are then thrown at the church while a collaborator inside of the top of the church escapes out. All the soldiers clap and laugh as the people inside burn to death. The soldiers then start firing at the church. Flamethrowers ignite the church more and music keeps playing to the sounds of the people dying inside the church. The Collaborators use most of the people that got out to herd the animals and Flyora is used in a picture, A German officer points a gun to his head while they pose for a picture. The officer does not kill him and leaves him to die.
The woman who was dragged by the hair is thrown into a moving truck and presumably gang raped by the soldiers in the truck. The soldiers leave the burning village and carry an old woman outside to watch them as they leave, torches in many of the soldier's hands and music can still be heard playing as they drive away from the inferno. Flyora lies face down on the ground and is kicked by a motorcycle riding German soldier.