Krov/potkrovlje/mansarada/... je super! Jedino što mi se čini da su prilike za dobiti ovako sunčane fotografije poprilično rijetke:
Average Monthly Precipitation (mm)
110.0 111.0 69.0 64.0 39.0 21.0 5.0 6.0 26.0 80.0 114.0 108.0 62.75
Mean relative humidity for an average year is recorded as 79.0% and on a monthly basis it ranges from 68% in May & June to 88% in December.
There is an average range of hours of sunshine in Copenhagen of between 0.6 hours per day in December and 8.2 hours per day in June.
On balance there are 1603 sunshine hours annually and approximately 4.4 sunlight hours for each day.